Adult All-Levels Class Registration


St. Louis Osuwa Taiko's Adult All-Levels Class is for those of you who want to play taiko but don't have much experience, or who want to keep playing but can't devote 10+ hours per week to taiko. Beginners will learn the basics of sticking, kata (form), movement, theory, and rhythms of taiko, plus some pieces you can play. More advanced players will learn different styles, rhythms, and drums. Each session includes nine classes, and most culminate with a recital.

In addition to the benefits of good exercise that taiko provides, it helps improve self-awareness, rhythm, and concentration. It can also relieve stress and is a lot of fun!

Age Group

Participants must be at least 16 years old and have at least one arm.

When and Where?

Date: March 30 - June 1
Time: 1:00 - 3:00
Place: 10734 Trenton Ave St Louis, MO 63132 Map
Cost: $200

*Due to our performance schedule, weather condition, etc., we may need to cancel classes. In that case, we will use these optional days for make-ups.

Space is limited, so it is possible not everyone who signs up will get to participate. We will contact selected participants by e-mail before the classes begin. Please make sure that e-mails from will not be caught in your spam filter.

Please fill out the form below so we can get to know you better. Don't be intimidated, it is merely for our curiosity. Having no background in anything is ok!


Note that taiko is a very physical activity. To participate in our classes, it is helpful if you are in good enough physical shape to handle a reasonable amount of exercise.

I understand that in the course of learning taiko -- like any activity -- I may sustain physical injury. I recognize that any injury is in no way the fault of St. Louis Osuwa Taiko or its members, and I agree to hold them blameless should any such injury occur.